
Transparency. Predictability. Fairness.

Fee structure

Rubino Law, LLC recognizes that many clients are wary of bringing legal actions because they are afraid the costs of doing so will be prohibitive. That is a valid concern - not all law firms are as transparent as they should be, and you could wind up paying more than you expected if you’re not careful. Rubino Law, LLC strives to ensure you know as much information as possible up front. Below is a breakdown of the fees we charge in different cases.

Contingent Fee

Most personal injury cases and other cases wherein you are seeking a monetary award will be taken on contingency. In a contingent fee arrangement, Rubino Law agrees to accept a fixed percentage of what you win in the case. In Connecticut, that percentage is defined by statute, but it generally amounts to approximately 33% or less. If you win the case, the lawyer's fee comes out of the money you are awarded. If you lose, neither you nor Rubino Law will get any money. That said, what many people fail to understand is that while you will not be required to pay your attorney for the work done on the case, you will still have to pay court filing fees, the costs related to deposing witnesses, and similar charges. Rubino Law will walk you through what these costs might typically be before hand so there are no surprises.

Hourly Fee

Rubino Law takes on some cases based on an hourly fee. Most cases that entail hourly billing are ones wherein you do not stand to win an monetary award, or you simply want a specific task performed. The firm currently charges $350/hour for its services. Though this is fairly consistent with the rates of many firms in Connecticut, Rubino Law stands apart due to its efficiency. Put simply, with twenty years of legal experience, it just takes less time to meet your needs. And less time equals less hours billed to you.

Flat rate

Some tasks are very specific and predictable. For these, Rubino Law can quote you a flat rate price depending on the job. Simple wills, for example, start at $300 and increase depending on the complexity of the estate. Real Estate closings are $800. The cost of drafting basic legal documents (trusts, contracts, etc.) depends on the complexity, but a firm amount will be given to you before work begins so you can decide.

Pro Bono

Rubino Law LLC endeavors to give back to the community as much as possible. Accordingly, some cases will be taken on a “pro bono” basis - meaning they are free of charge. The decision to represent a client pro bono is based on a number of factors including the financial means of the client, the nature of the claims and the social significance of the case.