Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Have a Case?

In order to determine whether you have a case, we need to first get a clear understanding of what happened. Rubino Law, LLC prides itself on giving clients honest and thorough reviews of their legal matters.  In many cases that means more than just your story needs to be reviewed.  A review of documents, medical records and or photographic evidence may also be required in order to make this determination. But don't worry - Rubino Law, LLC conducts this review before any fees are charged.  Consultation is always free.

How Long Will My Case Take?

It is difficult to estimate how long any case will last, since the length of time it takes to process a case depends on a number of factors. A simple slip and fall with limited injuries may be over quickly.  A complex medical malpractice case can take years from start to finish. Rubino Law sets out to seek the fullest possible compensation for every client. That means every case is prepared as if it will go to trial and no quick settlement offers are sought unless they are in the best interests of the client.

What About Settlement?

A great number of cases do settle before trial, but the Rubino Law LLC approach is to treat every case as if it will be tried. This allows the firm to negotiate your case from the strongest possible vantage point. Opposing counsel needs to know that Rubino Law is not afraid to go to trial.

Do I Have to Pay An Attorney's Fee If I Lose My Case?

It depends. Rubino Law, LLC is fully transparent about its fee structure. For more information, click here. Most cases will be taken on a contingency fee basis, which means that you do not have to pay an attorney's fee unless you win. If you do win, the legal fee is a percentage of the amount recovered. In cases where you are represented on an hourly fee basis, however, that fee is due regardless of outcome.

What Factors Should I Consider in Choosing a Law Firm?

There are a few things you should think about when choosing a lawyer. Most lawsuits are intensely personal matters requiring someone you feel comfortable with and confident in. You should, of course, choose a firm that has experience and professionalism, but you should also make sure the attorney you choose understands and sympathizes with your needs. A firm that will place your interests above all else and obtain full compensation for your injury is the ultimate goal. If you would like to see if Rubino Law, LLC is the right fit for you, click here to schedule an appointment.